The Price of Protection: Investigating the $150,000 Protection Dog Craze in LA
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz in the LA Times, New York Post, and other news outlets about the $150,000 protection dog craze in LA, and around the country. Many people are fascinated by the idea of owning a highly trained elite protection dog, and are willing to pay top dollar for the peace of mind that comes with having a loyal and skilled protector. However, others are critical of the trend, arguing that it is excessive and unnecessary. Nonetheless, the demand for these dogs continues to grow.
The Dynamic Duo (two males trained to live and protect as a team)
Highlights at the end of the delivery of two males (German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois) trained to live together, and work (protect) as a 'team". We think they make a very convincing argument to any intruder: "wrong home - wrong family". As a result our client outside of Mendocino California sleeps comfortably.
Shock and Awe
Okay, pictures of dogs strategically biting that “special place” seems sensational and over-the-top. There is an everyday benefit to this “shock and awe” approach as well.
The Recipe for our Elite Program
What exactly is an Elite Family and Estate Protection Dog? What actually goes into creating all of those exercises? What goes into taking that training and making it functional?