About CPI

Protection Dog Blog

Friendship With Dog

Shock and Awe

Okay, pictures of dogs strategically biting that “special place” seems sensational and over-the-top. There is an everyday benefit to this “shock and awe” approach as well.

The Recipe for our Elite Program

What exactly is an Elite Family and Estate Protection Dog? What actually goes into creating all of those exercises? What goes into taking that training and making it functional?

Adapting our Training to Your Security Concerns

. . . let’s say you feel most vulnerable getting out of your vehicle at night

Monkeying Around: Custom Training and Teaching Tolerance

Your home may not have a spider monkey but most homes require some type of customized training.

Muzzle Attacks - Transitioning from Basics to Sparring

Transitioning from muzzle attack basics to advanced sparring in preparation for real life encounters.