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Protection Dog Blog

Cameras Are Everywhere. Use Your Dog Wisely


Alex Bois


The consequences of not protecting your family are clear. Today, protecting them may also come with consequences. Know how to protect your family while decreasing your liability.

There are security cameras everywhere and everyone has a smartphone. If you are threatened outside your home in all likelihood it’s going to be recorded. When it comes to bystanders with phones what are they going to record? Unless it is a violent threat it may not draw much attention. What is going to draw attention is you with your dog by your side showing aggression. If the perpetrator has been successfully deterred he or she may be backing away from you and your dog. 

Unfortunately, you now look like the aggressor and the perpetrator like the victim! Imagine if that’s when the police show up. They will get out with guns drawn – towards you.

This is exactly the same problem people face who have concealed carry permits and use a gun do defend their life. Even defending yourself with hands and fists causes the same potential legal consequences. Of course the answer isn’t to go unprotected in order to limit your liability. The answer must be having a viable means of protection while minimizing your liability.

Our solution is two fold. As soon as you are aware of the threat you give the command “Police” to your dog. That will instruct your dog to come to your side, turn on (show aggression) and remain by your side regardless of whether you move forward, backwards or sideways. What you do immediately after giving the command is just as important. You lift your hands in front of your chest, palms facing the threat while backing up and repeating “CALL THE POLICE, I’M AFRAID FOR MY LIFE, CALL THE POLICE”.  In doing so you are repeatedly supporting your dog protecting you by repeating the protection command “POLICE” and will be clearly communicating to anyone watching, or recording, who is the victim and who is the perpetrator.

A new standard command withon our Elite Family and Estate Protection Dog program.

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